Tag Archives: tourist attractions in mumbai

Elephanta Caves – A Visit to Ancient Wonders of Architecture


My trip to Mumbai had been spectacular so far. I had been to many good places and after the last trip to Gateway of India, the next place which I decided to visit was one of the heritage sites located near Mumbai known as the Elephanta Caves. The caves are near to the city and are quite similar to the Ajanta and Ellora caves. They give an idea about the past artistic culture and comprises of Hindu and Buddhist rock arts.

Ferry to Elephanta Island from Gateway of India

Ferry to Elephanta Island from Gateway of India | Image Resource : photonicyatra.com

The caves are dedicated to lord Shiva. It is still debated as to who built these caves. The locales still revere these caves and it has become a huge tourist spot. Some of the historian and academics believe that it was built by Pulekesin II of the Chalukya dynasty as only a mighty kingdom like his could have built a structural marvel like this.

elephanta caves mumbai

Elephanta Caves | Image Resource : edge.ixigo.com

The caves are spread across an area of 60000 square feet and and are seven in number. They date back as old as 600 AD. The first cave is one of the most impressive which is known for its exquisite and popular sculptures. The caves are dedicated to both Hindu Gods and Buddhist religion. The main cave inside has a famous Lord Shiva shrine with an idol of Shiva full 0f splendour and magnificence.

Popular sculpture at Elephanta Caves

Popular sculpture at Elephanta Caves | Image Resource : bhavyaholidays.com

The Elephanta caves are a UNESCO heritage site and surely one of the gems of Mumbai. There are a large number of tourists everyday who comes to witness these ancient architectural wonders. In a city like Mumbai, a place like Elephanta which is away from the loud noises and chaos of the city is very important. The various sculptures of Hindu deities in intricate art mesmerises every visitor of Elephanta caves.

Shiva Linga shrine and Dvarapalas at door entry

Shiva Linga shrine and Dvarapalas at door entry | Image Resource : wikimedia.org

The place provides many good locations for doing photography. a place like this is a must visit for everyone who visits Mumbai. Once I was done with the visit to Elephanta Caves, I headed back for my hotel for having dinner and spend the night. The hotel which I had booked for my stay was Hotel Golden Toff Resort Mumbai.